Milford Borough Emergency Services
If You Have an Emergency, Please Dial 911
For Non-Emergency matters concerning the Milford Police Department, call 570-296-7700
Safety and preparation are essential before and during any emergency. The Milford Borough Office of Emergency Management is committed to keeping the Borough residents well-informed and safe during that time of need. This is accomplished through training, public information, and notification systems.
David Ruby is the Emergency Management Coordinator for the Borough and is responsible for coordinating all large-scale emergencies and events. The EOC is responsible for maintaining the Borough’s Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) and providing resources to all Borough Departments and residents during emergencies or in times of crisis. The Emergency Management Coordinator works closely with the Pike County Office of Emergency Management and the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
Code Red Sign Up
Residents and business owners are encouraged to register for Code Red Alerts to be notified by your local emergency response team in the event of emergencies or critical community alerts.
For borough residents to receive emergency notifications via text, email, and phone, please click the button below to sign-up.
You will be taken to the Code Red website, where you create an account and input your contact information.
Milford Borough Emergency Departments

The Milford Police Department
The Borough of Milford maintains round-the-clock police coverage 365 days a year.
Milford Police Department
500 Broad Street
Second Floor
Milford, PA 18337
For non-emergencies call (570) 296-7700
The police will come to your assistance for emergencies,
or contact you for non-emergencies.

The Milford Fire Department
The Milford Fire Department is an all-volunteer fire company that serves the Borough of Milford and Milford Township, and assists the fire departments of the surrounding communities.
Milford Fire Department:
107 West Catherine Street
Milford, PA 18337
All Correspondence should be mailed to:
P.O. Box 1369 Attn: Secretary
Milford, PA 18337
For electronic correspondence, please email:

The Milford Ambulance Corps
The Milford Ambulance Corps is an all-volunteer company that is part of the Milford Fire Department, and maintains two fully equipped ambulances.
Milford Ambulance Corps
107 West Catherine Street
Milford, PA 18337

Office of Emergency Management
Milford Borough Office of Emergency Management is committed to keeping borough residents well-informed, and safe during emergencies.
David Ruby is the Emergency Management Coordinator for the borough, and is responsible for coordinating all large-scale emergencies and events. Dave is also responsible for maintaining the borough's Emergency Operations plan (EOP), and for providing resources to all borough departments and residents during emergency situations.
The Emergency Management Coordinator works closely with the Pike County Office of Emergency Management and the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.

The Milford Water Authority
The Milford Water Authority operates and maintains a modern water treatment plant and water distribution pipeline.
The plant provides water to 800 water users in the Borough of Milford, parts of Milford Township, and Dingman Township.
Milford Water Authority
P.O. Box 459
Milford, PA 18337
Phone: (570) 296-6556
In cases of water emergencies, call 24 hours a day:
Phone: (570) 460-9736
Phone: (570) 460-9737
Emergency: 911
Volunteers Needed
Milford’s Fire Department and Ambulance Corps are comprised of a dedicated, all-volunteer group that is always seeking quality members. If you’re interested, or would like to explore becoming an emergency services volunteer in the borough, you’re welcome to stop by for a visit.
The firehouse is open every Monday at 7 p.m.
107 East Catharine Street
(between Broad and Fifth Streets)
Milford, PA 18337