Milford Borough Departments
The Milford Borough Council has responsibility for all the departments. It appoints commissions that execute the mission of the Borough to maintain the health, safety, welfare, and physical well-being of the people and property of the Borough.
We encourage Milford Borough residents to let us know when they see something that needs attention. Is a street light out? Are there potholes? Does landscaping need attention? Tell us about it by filling out the notification form below.

(Please select the name of the Department you’re interested in for more information)
The borough office is the administrative center of Milford and should always be your first stop for any information about borough operations, procedures, and ordinances. The office is available to those requiring permits for occupancy, zoning, building, sewage, signage, special events, yard sales, and any Architectural Review Board matters.
The office also handles Freedom of Information Act requests, and provides copies of ordinances, and information on all Milford topics from garbage collection, to potholes, to the Historic District. If you are considering making any exterior or interior changes to your property, always check first with the borough office to learn what permits may be required.
The Milford Borough Office should always be your initial point of contact for questions and issues regarding the borough.
500 Broad Street
Milford, PA 18337
570-296-7140 (Voice)
570-409-6858 (Fax)
Borough Secretary: Francesca Lombardo
Office Hours
Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 pm
Historic Architectural Review Board (HARB)
The Historic Architectural Review Board of the Borough of Milford is a panel of professionals and residents that advises the Milford Borough Council on any requests for authorization to erect, alter, reconstruct, repair, restore, demolish, all or part of any building within the Borough’s designated historic district, which includes the commercial and limited commercial districts of the Borough of Milford.
The Architectural Review Board has compiled a comprehensive Design Guide for maintaining and rehabilitating all structures in the commercial and limited commercial districts. Anyone contemplating any changes or additions to any structures in these districts should consult and comply with the information in the Design Guide located in the Forms section under ARB and Building.
Before work begins, the Historical Architectural Review Board (HARB) must approve all additions, repairs, and new construction in the historic district. You must comply with all applicable zoning and building ordinances. The Borough Council makes the final decision on HARB recommendations.
The Historical Architectural Review Board (HARB)meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Borough Hall at 109 West Catharine Street.
Applications should be in the office ten (10) days before the meeting.
Contact the Borough of Milford office for more information about the historic district regulations and the Historic Architectural Review Board.
The Borough of Milford Building Department guides property owners, developers, and builders in construction that meets the regulations, procedures, and ordinances set down by the Borough of Milford.
Contact the building inspector when planning new construction or to secure a building permit for an addition or for making improvements to an existing residential or commercial structure.
All structures require permits.
Judy Acosta, SFM Consulting LLC. is our active Building Inspector (Borough of Milford). Applications are available online at or in the Borough Office during regular office hours. All applications must be submitted in full and provided in quadruplet (if completed online). The inspector is available in the Borough Office at 500 Broad Street on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Phone number: (570) 296-4255.
SFM Consulting LLC.
348 Valley Road
Candensis, PA 18325
The Borough of Milford has two large parks, a Skate Park, and some smaller and memorial parks located throughout the Borough. The large parks have a ball field, playground equipment, a basketball court, and large grass areas.
All parks are open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and are maintained by the Borough Street Department. The Borough police make regular patrols of the parks.
Following are the Borough of Milford park locations:
* West Ann Memorial Park: 5th St. at W. Ann St. The West Ann Memorial Park is the site of many festivals during the year.
* East Catharine Street Ball Field: 3rd St. at E. Catharine St.
* Skateboard Park: Located at the East Catharine Street Ball Field. Please note the skateboard park has rules for safe use, posted at the entrance.
* Biddis Park: E. High St. at Broad St.
* Soldiers and Sailors Park: Across E. High St. from Biddis Park. This park honors Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force,& Coast Guard veterans in Pike County.
* Kennedy Triangle Park: Harford St. at 2nd St.
* Ethel Barckley Memorial Park: End of E. Ann St. below 2nd St.
* Georgiana P. Kiger Park: Broad St. across from The Columns Museum.
* Jewelers Square Park: Broad St. at E. Ann St.
* Remembrance Park: W. Ann St. just beyond 7th St.
For more information about the parks, festivals, and recreation in the borough of Milford, call the Borough of Milford office at (570) 296-7140
The Borough of Milford’s Planning Commission provides strategic, coordinated, guidance for growth, planning, and development activities within the Borough. The Planning Commission’s goal is to ensure that Milford’s future is characterized by a healthy environment and economy, along with preserving the historic character of the borough.
The Planning Commission meets on the second Monday at 6 p.m. and the third Wednesday at 6 p.m. of each month, as needed.
Contact the Borough office for further information.
The Borough of Milford Zoning Department handles all land development issues within the Borough.
All structure changes and all new structures require permits; all business changes and new businesses require permits.
Individuals seeking to subdivide, develop, or build on a property must comply with the approved laws governing land development in the Borough of Milford, and the individuals must submit the proper applications for subdivisions, site plans, variances, and zone changes.
If you are uncertain what forms you need, or how the process works, please call the Borough Office or stop by to pick up a packet. All applications for Zoning are available on this website on the Forms page.
Please remember to provide everything in a minimum of triplicate.
The Zoning Officer can be contacted in the Borough Zoning Office at 500 Broad Street in Milford on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm., or by email at Call the Borough Zoning Office at (570) 296-4255. You can also print out permit applications on the SFM Consulting LLC website at
The Zoning Hearing Board meets as needed basis to act on appeals against any alleged errors or actions of the Zoning Officer, or challenges to the ordinance and to hear and decide requests for variances to the Zoning Code.
The sewage enforcement officer approves all sewage inspections for both commercial and residential buildings. New sewage systems require permits; any changes in use for existing septic systems require a permit.
Will Whitehead is the Sewage Enforcement Officer (SEO) for the Borough. The application for septic permits is on our website under forms.
The Shade Tree Commission of the Borough of Milford ensures that the trees that line borough streets are protected and properly maintained.
The Borough has been designated as a Tree City USA for 38 consecutive years and is the birthplace of the U.S. Conservation movement.
Trees planted on the verge of borough streets belong to the borough and cannot be removed or altered without the permission of the Shade Tree Commission. Trees growing along the alleyways of the borough belong to the property owners of the yards they are growing in.
If a resident has a question or concern about an individual tree whether it be about the health of a tree or a question as to who might own the tree, contact the Shade Tree Commission at Please provide your name, address, contact information, and a brief description of your question or concern.
For more information contact the Borough office and please select the link below to view a brochure made by The Shade Tree Commission.
The Milford Streets Department is responsible for maintaining the streets of the borough.
Garbage collection is normally done on Thursday mornings by the borough street employees. If a particular Thursday is the date of an official borough of Milford holiday, the garbage will be collected on the Wednesday before that holiday. Residents are only allowed two (2) 30-gallon garbage cans, which should be placed for collection on the side of the alley adjacent to their property. Residents may purchase purple, garbage bags for $1.00/each at the Borough Office to dispose of extra garbage.
Commercial properties are allowed three 30-gallon garbage cans, or if using dumpsters for garbage, must arrange for the independent emptying of their dumpsters via private haulers.
Commercial properties preparing food on-site must have their dumpsters screened, gated, and secured, per the borough ordinance. Contact the borough office for specific dumpster details and requirements. Please note that private haulers may not empty dumpsters before 8 a.m. or the hauler will be ticketed by the Milford police.
The annual leaf collection occurs on numerous days during November and early December. Leaves have to be raked in piles on the side of the street directly in front of the property so that the leaf vacuum machine can easily remove them.
The Borough of Milford Street Department plows snow from the streets and alleys of the Borough and treats ice on the street when the winter storm has ended or periodically during long and severe winter events. Residents and business owners must remove snow and ice along the sidewalks bordering their properties on Broad Street and Harford Street. Snow and ice removal is done throughout the day and night, depending upon the storms.
Weather permitting there is the collection of yard waste such grass clippings, weeds, shrubs, twigs, and tree branches by the street employees. All yard waste is to be placed in cans along the side of the alley behind your property. If you have many shrubs or branches which are too numerous to place in cans, then please bundle them with rope or twine so that they can easily be lifted by a worker. Remember, if you cannot easily lift the bundle or can to shoulder height, then the worker cannot lift the bundle or can to throw into the dump truck. Any can or bundle that cannot be lifted by the street worker will not be collected. Large or long branches have to be cut to an easily handled size for collection. After the autumn leaf collection, or at other times during the year, residual leaves can be placed in biodegradable paper bags and left curbside or in the alley for pickup.
The primary function of the tax collector of the Borough of Milford is the preparation of tax bills on an annual basis and the collection of all tax money owed by the property owners of the Borough of Milford.
Please note that the office of the Borough of Milford does not accept tax payments, and the tax collector does not hold office hours in the office of the Borough of Milford.
Send tax payments to the tax collector’s address below, and contact the tax collector preferably via email as listed below.
Borough of Milford Tax Collector:
Mrs. Carol Osterberg
107 East High Street
Milford, PA 18337
Phone: (570) 296-8231
Email is preferred.
Earned Income Tax
Berkheimer Associates.
50 N 7th St, Bangor, PA 18013
Phone: (201) 281-1161
Milford Borough Police Department
The Milford Borough Police Department is located on the second floor of 500 Broad Street with 24 hour coverage 365 days a year. In an emergency dial 911. The Police Department can be reached at 570-296-5959.
Please see the following link for PA Right to Know information regarding the Police department.
Milford Borough Police Department Right To Know
Select this link to access the Milford Borough Code.
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Simply fill out the form below, and your question will be sent to the Borough Secretary. We promise to respond quickly, and address your concerns.